Enlightening Discoveries

Illuminating insights for your journey

When the world spins, these are my anchors. Whether it's a panic-laced moment or a quest for deeper understanding, I've found solace and inspiration in these tools. Their influence permeates my teaching, offering paths to discovery and inner peace. Explore and find your own beacon of light.

Waking Up: Sam Harris

Sam Harris's 'Waking Up' app brings a clarity to meditation that mirrors our studio's approach to mindfulness. It's about finding sharpness and vitality in each moment, a philosophy that infuses our classes with insightful clarity.

The Work: Byron Katie

Byron Katie's 'The Work' offers a transformative approach to inner peace. Her profound 'Four Questions' guide our journey in unraveling the complexities of the mind, echoing the transformative experiences we foster at Sadie Wells Yoga.

Samaneri Jayasara

Samaneri Jayasāra's teachings are a serene addition to our wisdom-seeking path. Her calming insights blend seamlessly with our studio's ethos, enhancing our yoga practice with depth and tranquility.

Oura Ring

The Ōura Ring aligns with our focus on holistic wellness. It's a tool that not only tracks sleep patterns but also echoes our belief in the importance of restorative rest for a balanced yoga practice.

Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson

Rick Hanson's 'Buddha's Brain' merges neuroscience with ancient wisdom, offering insights that resonate deeply with our yoga teachings. It's about harmonising the mind and heart, which is at the core of our practice at Sadie Wells Yoga.