Opening Up About Menopause: A Personal Journey

Dear SWY Family,

As we deepen our practice this season at SWY, we continue to embrace our holistic approach to wellness—focusing on body, mind, and spirit. This week, I want to open up about something deeply personal and universally relevant—navigating menopause. It's been far from graceful; it's been real and messy, and I think there's power in sharing our true stories. So, grab a cuppa and settle in, this is a longer read than usual!

A Journey Through the Unknown

Imagine watching someone you love deeply—perhaps a child, sibling, or parent—suffer immensely. They're caught in the grip of severe depression, their anxiety peaking. They’re physically exhausted and bedridden, afflicted with intense symptoms that suggest something sinister. It’s heart-wrenching; you feel helpless and desperate for a solution.

Then, a trusted professional offers a lifeline—a safe, simple, immediate treatment that promises not only to alleviate all these debilitating symptoms but also to provide enormous ongoing benefits. Would you refuse, suggesting they must endure what is a normal part of life?

This scenario mirrors the silent struggle many women face as they enter menopause. It’s not merely a biological phase but a profound life transition that reshapes us. Menopause can feel isolating, overwhelming, and is often misunderstood as something we must endure because it’s “natural.”

My Personal Awakening

Navigating menopause was not only confusing but profoundly confronting for me. Initially, I felt compelled to explain my erratic behaviour and emotional turmoil, almost as if I had "I'm not coping" tattooed across my forehead. There was a profound sense of vulnerability, even shame—a yoga teacher overwhelmed by a dark cloud of unknowing.

Suffering from severe sleep deprivation, I would drag myself downstairs to teach, only to crawl back to bed until the next school run. My joints ached, my head throbbed, my energy was depleted, and I was plagued by itchy eyes, skin, and gums—all symptoms I hadn't connected to menopause. My overwhelming emotional outbursts seemed to stem from deep fears I couldn't articulate, and I felt I was losing control over my life.

The Turning Point

My journey took a transformative turn when, in desperation, I finally sought and received the right medical support. Initially, and at the risk of sounding a smidge over-dramatic, I approached my GP because I genuinely believed I was dying, not realising the severity of my symptoms was linked to menopause. I was equally astounded to learn that hormone therapy (HT), which I had previously thought risky, was not only safe but also offered significant benefits—some even life-prolonging. The relief was nearly immediate; my sleep improved almost overnight, restoring a sense of normalcy and strength that I hadn't felt in years.

The Critical Benefits of Hormone Therapy

It's essential to highlight that, for many of us, the risks of not undergoing hormone therapy can be far greater than those associated with receiving it. Research into the benefits of HT has shown them to be profound, impacting everything from bone density to mental health. Neglecting this form of treatment, when deemed necessary and safe by a healthcare professional, can actually worsen the long-term health outcomes for many women experiencing menopause.

Starting HT marked the beginning of a profound revival. If my perimenopausal symptoms had been addressed sooner, I believe relief would have come earlier. Today, I have never felt stronger or happier, and I feel I could climb mountains until I'm 104! My only regret is not starting sooner and not learning more about managing menopause and perimenopause earlier in my journey. Although yoga provided a foundation of solace, it was the deeper understanding of hormonal health that truly shifted my perspective from merely surviving to genuinely thriving.

Empowering Resources for Your Journey

If you know me, you're aware of my no-nonsense approach. Effective navigation of menopause requires accurate, robust support—both community and expert guidance:

  • ABC Podcast on Menopause: Dr. Jayashri Kulkarni links women's hormones directly to mental health, challenging outdated notions and offering new hope. This podcast is crucial for understanding menopause's biological and psychological impacts. Listen here.

  • Nancy’s Insights: A friend who navigated early menopause shares well-researched, articulate perspectives on women's health. Her insights are invaluable for anyone facing hormonal changes. Start here for enlightening content.

  • Finding the Right Medical Support: Not all healthcare providers are equal, nor understand menopause deeply. My own GP transformed my approach from a struggle to a rejuvenation journey. If you need help finding a knowledgeable and empathetic specialist, it's vital. Hit reply and reach out—I’m here to help connect you with the right resources, if I'm able.

What’s Coming Up at SWY

  • Specialty Classes: Thanks for filling up this term’s classes—including our final closing circle at term's end! Details for next term’s classes starting July 8th will be shared soon.

  • Member Reminder: Use your Free Monthly Guest Pass to bring a friend and share the supportive SWY environment. Let's grow stronger together.

A Note of Gratitude

Thank you for being an integral part of our community. Whether you're navigating menopause, deepening your yoga practice, or just beginning with us, remember that you're not alone. SWY is here to support you every step of the way.

Warmest regards,

Sadie x

Final Thoughts on Menopause: Moving Forward with Yoga


A Fresh New Beginning for SWY