About Sadie.

A yoga teacher who's intimately familiar with anxiety, midlife messiness, and the art of laughing at it all.

Mid-thought. Probs catastrophising.

The truth.

You might think that teaching yoga means I float through life on a cloud of serenity. Not quite. I’m someone who catastrophises like a pro. Always have. And during menopause? Let’s just say the catastrophes got louder, weirder, and way more convincing. If there’s a worst-case scenario to be found, I’ve probably imagined it—twice.

I’ve lived with anxiety most of my life. The kind that creeps in when things are quiet. The kind that makes free time feel like a trap. My brain is excellent at filling in blanks with panic and problems. And for a long time, I thought I just had to manage it silently. Push through. Be natural. Be grateful. Be fine.

But somewhere along the way, I learned to soften. To seek help without shame. To take the thing if I need the thing. To listen to comedians instead of the news. And to practice yoga not to transcend the hard stuff—but to stay present inside it.

Why I practice, and why I teach.

Yoga didn’t change me overnight. It still hasn’t. But it gives me a structure. It gives my week shape. It helps me breathe when the panic arrives uninvited. It helps me feel stronger in a body that’s been through some shit. And it reminds me, over and over, that I’m allowed to take up space.

This is what I want to share with you: a practice that’s not about performance, but about presence. Not about getting it right, but about coming home to yourself, again and again.

What I believe.

Yoga should meet you where you are. No pressure, no performance, no pretending.

I believe in:

  • Structure with space for intuition

  • Strength over spectacle

  • Rest as a radical act

  • Questions over quick fixes

  • And community that feels like a real support system—not a popularity contest

This is what real progress feels like…

  • “I’ve never been in a class where I laughed, lifted, and nearly cried (in a good way) — all in an hour.”

    — Lou

  • “Sadie teaches like she’s talking just to you — even in a full room.”

    — Karen

Sadie Wells and a group of yoga students sharing laughter and connection inside the SWY studio, embodying the sense of community, joy, and growth that extends beyond yoga poses.

What you’ll experience in class.

My teaching blends strong, intentional sequencing with a warm, grounded, no-BS vibe. I’m not a guru. I’m a guide. I’ll offer you structure, thoughtful alignment cues, and space to explore your own rhythm.

Each class is part of a 6-week module designed to support progress you can feel. We build slowly, layer by layer—so you feel more capable and more connected each time you show up.

My influences include contemporary biomechanics, functional movement, and incredible teachers like Jason Crandell, Jules Mitchell, and Cecily Milne. But mostly? It’s shaped by showing up in a room with real people, week after week.

Beyond the poses.

This isn’t about being flexible. It’s about being real. And sometimes, being real means being anxious, or tired, or not quite sure where you fit. My classes are a space for all of that.

Especially for women in midlife, who are often told to shrink, smile, and stay small—these classes are a space to take up room. To reconnect. To laugh. To rest without guilt. And to feel damn proud of what your body can do.

Because yoga, at its heart, isn’t about escaping. It’s about arriving.

Want to practise with me?

If this resonates, I’d love to welcome you.