What DIY is Teaching Me About Yoga (and Life)

Beautiful Friends,

I’ve been caught up in some DIY—getting my hands dirty with a much-needed reno. For years, I thought hubby and I could never tackle such a renovation together—he’s too much of a perfectionist, and me? It’s just not my bag. But once I shifted my mindset (and let’s be real, saving tens of thousands of dollars didn’t hurt!), everything changed. Now, I’m actually loving my trips to Bunnings, covered in paint, feeling like a cast member of The Block.

I’m marvelling at Luke’s precision, and I’m proud of myself for not feeling overwhelmed—“chipping away” has become my new mantra. It’s a reminder of what we’re capable of when we open ourselves up to learning new things.

He's all smiles with his prep-work! Surprisingly, just like yoga, it's all about the foundations!

Turns out, caulking and painting also offer oodles of time for quiet contemplation. And lately, I’ve found myself reflecting on some of the phrases we often hear in the yoga world. Phrases like this one:

"Yoga is for Everyone"

Is it though? Yoga is wonderful and beneficial for many, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some assume that, because I’m a yoga teacher, my family must be rolling out their mats with me, on the daily. Truth is—my husband prefers martial arts, and my teenagers? Well, they’re busy being teenagers! I don’t push yoga on them.

But here’s what I’ve come to realise: they still benefit enormously from my practice. When I take time for myself, I come back more centred, patient, and calm (note: not perfect!). They get a better version of me because I prioritise my needs. Yes, I’ve been known to use yoga as an escape (nothing wrong with that!). But when I return, I’m more present, connected, and—let’s face it—nicer to be around!

So, is yoga for everyone? No. It’s not a magic bullet, and it won’t fix all your problems. But for those who aredrawn to it, yoga offers a powerful way to support your mind and body—and by doing so, you support the people you care about too. Yoga isn’t about forcing change; it’s about creating space for it when you’re ready. That’s its real power—it’s always there, but only if you want it.

My wonderful, supportive hubster on the mat (mostly for the photo op). Let's just say he's happier in the dojo!

“All Levels Welcome"

Are they really? You’ve likely seen this phrase everywhere: “All Levels Welcome.” But I’ve stopped using it. Why? Because it’s misleading and unfair. In reality, it’s impossible to serve both complete beginners and seasoned practitioners equally in the same class. Beginners may feel lost, and experienced students may feel unstimulated. It’s frustrating for everyone involved, and it never hits the promised "brief."

I’m clear about who each class is for. First Base is designed for beginners or those wanting a slower pace. Middle Ground offers a more balanced, stronger practice, and Spicy Warriors is for those with more experience, looking for a challenge.

It’s not about excluding anyone; it’s about making sure everyone gets the attention, support, and challenge they deserve. There’s no shame in being a beginner, and there’s certainly no shame in wanting more of a challenge—both are important, but they need different spaces.

Leading a class at the Mackay Yoga Festival, 2018—connecting with new faces.

Tailored Support and Informed Choices

Do I sometimes have students in advanced classes who aren’t “there” yet? Absolutely. But here’s the thing—behind the scenes, we’ve talked about it. They understand the risks, they modify as needed, and they’re committed to their own growth without worrying about how they look. I love and support that 100%.

That said, if I see someone putting themselves at risk, I step in—no hesitation. Keeping everyone safe is my top priority, and injuries in class? Not my jam.

This is why our complementary 1:1 sessions are so popular—and honestly, the most valuable perk we offer. These sessions give me the chance to really connect with my students, troubleshoot challenges, and provide personalised support both in and out of class. Yes, it’s extra work, but it’s absolutely worth it. Watching my students progress safely and confidently—and knowing they feel truly supported—is one of the most rewarding parts of what I do.

These 1:1 sessions have become such an invaluable part of the experience here.

Clear Values, Clear Connections

By now, it’s no secret that I value honesty, personal growth, and genuine connection. I’m not here to appeal to the masses—but if you resonate with this approach, I’m so thrilled you’re here.

At the end of the day, yoga is simple: it’s for those who are ready to explore, commit, and embrace all its ups and downs—and everything in between. It’s not for everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. My classes aren’t random, and neither is the energy we cultivate together.

Term 4 Starts Soon!

Just a quick reminder for those new to our community—we're currently on a term break, but Term 4 kicks off on 30 September, and memberships will close then. If you’ve been thinking about joining us, now’s the perfect time to secure your spot before we get started!

Sending love and warmth,

Sadie x

I’m Always Rethinking Yoga—Here’s Why