Why Even Small Changes Can Feel Big: A Raw Reflection

Sometimes, even as a yoga teacher, I don’t respond to life the way I’d like to. Changing something as simple as our studio schedule can send me into a spiral of anxiety, overthinking, and stress. I find myself worrying about how every little change will affect you, our beautiful community, and how I can make it all work seamlessly.

But here’s the truth: I struggle with it. I struggle with the weight of these decisions, and it’s hard for me to let go of the fear that I’m not getting it right. Even though I teach tools for managing stress and anxiety, I’m still human—and it doesn’t always come easily to me.

I’ve been in the yoga world long enough to know that we often hold ourselves to a high standard of calm and centeredness. But life has a way of throwing curveballs, and for me, even something as seemingly simple as adjusting our schedule can feel overwhelming. I worry about disappointing you, about not meeting everyone’s needs, and about the ripple effects of every decision I make.

Over the past few weeks, as I’ve been working through these changes, I’ve felt the familiar tug of anxiety. My mind races with questions: Am I making the right choice? Will this work for everyone? What if it doesn’t? And then comes the overthinking—running through every possible scenario, trying to anticipate every possible outcome. It’s exhausting, and it’s not the way I wish I could handle things.

I know that as a yoga teacher, I’m supposed to have it all figured out—or at least, that’s what it sometimes feels like. But the truth is, I don’t. I’m learning, just like everyone else. And I’m reminded, time and again, that the practices I teach are also the practices I need to lean on myself.

What helps me through these moments is remembering that it’s okay to feel this way. It’s okay to struggle, to not have all the answers, and to feel unsure. This is part of being human, and it’s something we all experience, no matter our role or how much we’ve practiced.

In these moments, I try to come back to my breath. I try to ground myself in the present moment, reminding myself that I don’t need to have it all figured out right now. I allow myself to feel the anxiety, the stress, the uncertainty, without trying to push it away. And when I’m ready, I gently remind myself that it’s okay to take things one step at a time.

Sometimes, I also need to remind myself that I don’t have to do it all alone. I have this incredible community around me—people who support me, who understand, and who are walking their own paths with the same challenges. And I’m grateful for that.

So, if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, anxious, or unsure—whether in your yoga practice or in life—know that you’re not alone. I’m right there with you. We’re all in this together, learning, growing, and supporting each other along the way.

Let’s keep moving forward, one step at a time, with grace and compassion—for ourselves and for each other.

Much love,

Sadie x

I’m Always Rethinking Yoga—Here’s Why


Something Quite Beautiful is Just Waiting to be Found in Stillness