Midterm Reflections: Trust Your Intuition on Your Wellness Path

Dear SWY Family,

As we reach the midpoint of our term at SWY, it's a great time to pause and reflect on our journey together. Today, I want to share some thoughts on a topic that's critical yet often overlooked—trusting your own intuition in the wellness space.

The Allure of Authority in Wellness

In the wellness and yoga industry, there's a pervasive trend where authority is often handed over hastily to those who claim expertise. From my observations and personal experiences, this can lead not only to dependency but also to potential harm. It's concerning to see how quickly some are ready to say, "Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it," to someone who speaks compellingly, without questioning or listening to their own inner voice.

Personal Reflections on Power and Influence

I've witnessed the rise and fall of 'guru' figures in yoga, where the intoxication of influence led to abuses of power. During my years in the yoga community, I've seen how quickly people are willing to take health advice from those without any real expertise—simply because they are persuasive, confident, or charismatic.

I remember feeling deeply uncomfortable when a mother sought advice for her daughter’s mental health issues, expecting me, with no medical expertise, to prescribe solutions. It was a turning point that reinforced my belief in staying within one’s scope and the dangers of overstepping it.

Why Critical Thinking Matters

This is why in every class, I advocate for critical thinking. Yoga is not about finding someone to fix us; it's about reconnecting with and trusting ourselves. My role as a teacher is not to prescribe but to guide and support you in finding your own strength and wisdom.

A Call to Trust Your Intuition

As we navigate the vast sea of wellness information and advice, it's crucial to maintain a healthy skepticism and trust in our own instincts. Social media, while a valuable resource, often amplifies voices that may not know your personal journey or what's genuinely best for you.

Let's commit to being discerning, to questioning what we hear, and most importantly, to trusting our own intuition. It's a powerful tool that guides us more reliably than any external authority can.

Looking Ahead at SWY

With just five weeks remaining until our term break, we will continue to advance and deepen our practice. We'll maintain our focus on inversions while also exploring other options for those who prefer to eliminate inversions entirely. Soon, we'll shift our focus more towards spinal mobility and back bends, which are key to a healthy spine and overall strength.

A Note of Gratitude

Thank you for being a vital part of this community, where we value autonomy and personal growth. Whether you're deepening your yoga practice or just starting, remember that your journey is yours to shape. Your feedback is always welcomed, as it helps us grow and serve you better.

With all my support and encouragement,
Sadie x

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P.S. Keep an eye out for our Term 3 Timetable, which will be live on the website shortly!


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