The Day I was Told to Shut the Studio Down

Beautiful Yogis,

"Don't you want to show up at your absolute best?"

Earlier this year, my GP advised me to drastically change my lifestyle or my job. After discussing this with my family, closing the studio almost became our reality. I was teaching from dawn till dusk, navigating exhaustion through menopause, and neglecting my beautiful family. With nothing left in the tank, I'd lost sight of my priorities: my health, my family, and how I want to show up when I share what I love about yoga.

I started to notice women coming to my sunrise classes were using these sessions as a form of subliminal punishment—they didn't really want to be there! They'd arrive with hefty sighs, commenting on how exhausted they were. When I asked why they didn't stay home and rest, they would quip, "This is my normal, I always feel this way." Others would even say, "Oh, I hate this class," or "This is too hard," or "It’s so stressful getting here."

I began questioning why we, especially us women, push ourselves so hard. Why, on top of raising kids, running a household, and working long hours, did we feel the need to wake before everyone else and push ourselves even further? It's not helpful or normal to go through your days feeling exhausted from the moment you open your eyes until your head hits the pillow.

My beautiful friend Dan, who died last month, spent the last six years of her life fighting every day to stay alive and witness every moment of her 11-year-old daughter’s life. Every time she woke and opened her eyes, was a gift.

What would it feel like to wake each morning, without need for an alarm, feeling refreshed, able to take a moment over a cuppa and appreciate the wonderful day that's about to unfold?

By teaching fewer classes at times that suit me, what I share is no less—in fact, I feel it’s even more powerful. It’s allowed me the time needed to plan the big picture in our sequences and understand more clearly where I want to take our clients, not just by the end of the class, the end of the week, or the end of the term—but by the end of the year and beyond. My classes are more potent, curated with much more care. This is what slowing down does, what doing less feels like—we have more power and strength when we choose to show up on our terms. At the age of 54, I feel stronger than I did at 34.

I often lose sight of what's important. But yoga has taught me to slow down, listen to my body, prioritise my well-being, and from that place—I find strength and clarity. To not find gratitude for what I want, but for what I have. I don't aim to be the best teacher out there; I strive to be the most authentic and present version of myself.

Some of you might think, "It's easy for you to say, Sadie." But I didn't always have this perspective. At 24 or even 34, I had no idea I'd be here at 54. It's been a constant journey of quitting what wasn't helpful and adjusting my course towards what is. You might feel like changing your lifestyle or job isn’t possible. But can you change one thing? Take one step in the direction you want to be in?

As we approach our final week of term, I’ve been reflecting on the incredible transformations I’ve witnessed in our community. This term has been full of “firsts” for all of us: a brand new membership model and a progressive set of sequences took us on an exciting journey. We moved our mats to the wall, explored inversions and backbends, and settled into deeper savasanas with the help of our crowd faves—those heavenly hot towels. It’s been an absolute joy to see so many unexpected wins and personal breakthroughs.

I hope that by sharing this, it encourages anyone else struggling with similar feelings to know they are not alone. Our practice is more than just physical exercise; it’s about finding balance, peace, and joy in our lives.

Thank you for being part of this incredible community. Together, we are creating something truly special—a space where we can grow, heal, and support one another.

Here’s to finding balance and joy in our yoga journey.

Much Love, Sadie x

P.S. To those early risers who thrive on morning routines—keep shining! If you feel energised by it, you're on the right path. It’s just not for everyone, and we just need to be a little more honest about that.

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